Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We went to Panera Bread as usual. I got a salad instead of a soup and sandwich. Baby steps to healthier eating is the best way to go in my opinion.
 Making better food choices makes me feel better inside (:

They had decaffeinated coffee too, which probably isn't very healthy. But guys, I used to be addicted to coffee! So a little decaf now and then is ok in my book. Before that, Tre and I both had tea. I swear, it's the most beautiful color. I wish I could find a nail polish that shade!

Anakin gets better at holding his bottle every time we give him one. He really only gets a bottle when we're somewhere that stopping and feeding him would be too inconvenient, like a grocery store. After this, we went to Costco. I got a five pound bag of strawberries. That's going to make a lot of smoothies!

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